Super Rocket Buddy

About the game «Super Rocket Buddy»
Joking and upbeat Rocket Buddy is ready for adventure once more; it appears that he had few prior flights and experienced no bumps, but it is unclear how, in theory, a doll composed of wood and material might experience bumps. Generally speaking, he got back into the cannon and is now ready for you to fire him at the next target, taking out as many bonuses as you can.
Only if you can acquire three stars for the shot will it be deemed successful. Your shot determines the main course, although the doll will make every effort to ensure a successful shot. We have a thirty-level journey ahead of us, but Buddy will become more anxious the longer you wait to start the battle. Now let's get going. After starting the first level, carefully examine the target's location and any nearby items that might be in the doll's path before shooting. You must strike every target in order to advance to the next level; if one of the targets rolls or falls, you will fail the level. Only Buddy may break a target. Yes, we did forget to mention dark crystals. Have fun!