Bomber Man

About the game «Bomber Man»
Introducing one of the most cherished and thrilling arcade games that every fortunate owner of the original eight-bit console enjoyed playing. It appeared as though you were trapped in a true labyrinth from which there was only one way out: by removing all dangers. Since you still have the original in front of you, nothing has changed, but you can already play on the computer.
We have already revealed the Bomberman's return to the massive, multi-level labyrinth that is already rife with threats. However, the monsters that prowl through the labyrinth's labyrinthine tunnels in search of your hero continue to pose the greatest threat. But even if he uses his weapon, they won't welcome him when they discover him. The bomber uses bombs as weapons, which detonate a short time after being installed. You should have enough time to escape the explosion wave and flames that are spreading several meters in all directions. By the way, explosives are your character's second greatest hazard, so as soon as you install it, run—preferably around the corner or a good distance away.