Cute Dragon Recovery

About the game «Cute Dragon Recovery»
This is your opportunity to adopt a pet if you've ever desired to. Make an effort to clean the dragon and put it back in its original condition. You'll require a number of supplies and remedies in order to return the dragon to its natural form. You have complete control over everything. Transform your animal companion into a beloved work of art. You won't get sidetracked by the game's various keyboard shortcuts because all actions with the object are simple and obvious.
All movements in the game are done with the mouse. The left mouse button is used for all operations. Press the left mouse button and move the tweezers to the leaf if you need to extract sticky leaves from your pet. Grab it from the toolbox and set it delicately on a dish. You have to aim the tweezers right for it to work. The dragon's stings and injuries can all be treated with a mouse bandage. If necessary, you can even provide an injection by sliding the mouse up and using a syringe to inject the medication. Until the next step is required, you must also wash the dragon, obtain a drinking can, and water it.