High Pizza

About the game «High Pizza»
You play a waitress who has to serve a predetermined number of pizzas to customers who are in line to place their orders. Detect obstacles as you gather meals that are ready to eat in order to not only transport food home but also to please everyone. As soon as the countdown starts, race to the guest room while grabbing as many pizzas as you can. By pressing and holding the LMB button, you can move the waitress by dragging the main character in the direction of the finished pizza. To ensure that there are enough dishes for every client, try to gather as many as you can; otherwise, someone will be disappointed by the lack of order and will get fewer points than if the work was completed accurately.
Watch out for anything green, blue, or red that tries to stop you by holding you up or making you lie flat on the floor. Run onto the blue plinths and leap over the closest obstruction to speed up. Be assured, yet cautious as well! To spend the time in a fun way, start playing right away!