Mafia Agent

About the game «Mafia Agent»
Play game name for free online on any gadget or device. Play the part of a special operative that joined the mafia organisation structure in order to learn about all the plans and destroy the organisation from within. However, the operation was put in jeopardy when it was discovered that the police had a separate agent who told the criminals about you. You are exposed, and your only option is to protect yourself until assistance can be reached. You are up against a strong organization that not only includes militants but also an entire force that is currently opposed to you. Hold a stance and start shooting until all are dead.
Although the endeavor seems insurmountable, you must persevere if you want to live. There might be one more person in this neighborhood who told people about you. You must therefore defend yourself against them while you wait for assistance. That is alarming because the organization that is the most harmful is suddenly opposed to you. Take out everyone with the gun. Anything is possible.