Mao Mao: Jelly of the Beast

About the game «Mao Mao: Jelly of the Beast»
Mao Mao: Jelly of the Beast's protagonist of the new animation was always convinced that it was time for him to take on heroic tasks, like saving the world or a city, town, or small community. In general, the character felt the need to demonstrate his heroism to both himself and others. But in keeping with the genre's tradition, he unintentionally destroys everything that guards the town's residents, forcing him to truly show everyone that he can defeat and halt evil. The poor cat probably can't handle it on his own, but we'll take care of him!
The first creature that materialized after the city's defenses were mistakenly destroyed was a large jelly bubble that was colored lilac. Its main characteristic and hazard were that it could absorb any occupant into itself. This was true until the hero Mao Mao arrived; when the hero showed up, he would not permit a new attempt to occur and with your assistance and his sword stop the monster. The jelly monster overtook and swallowed the poor fellows no matter how the locals hid, and if no one helped them, it was impossible to return the victim. Have fun!