
About the game «Mewtrix»
The kittens are bored and will start fooling about if they can't find something to do. You will be required to communicate with them because this will not be permitted. By the way, since kids are very active and like the same things, a new game called Meow Tricks will not only keep them entertained for a while, but it will also lift their spirits because it involves solving three simple logic puzzles in sequence. However, we've always played with inanimate objects, so that must be taken into account. Many might erroneously think that the game is an exact replica of the well-known Tetris game.
The cats will also be attached here, and their placements in the chain can be changed so that their colors will coordinate when they land on the other children. The seals will only depart if new ones appear to take their place. This is the primary goal of the game. Don't immediately lower the kitten groups all the way to the bottom; first, check to ensure they are positioned correctly and, if required, swap them out. The game is over when all of the space has been occupied by cats.