Quick Sudoku

About the game «Quick Sudoku»
A difficult game that puts the player's brain to the test is sudoku. However, it gets even more difficult if you only have a short window of time to complete the job. This is exactly what the player is required to do in the Sudoku rapid game. As many cells of the table as you can in the least period of time.
There are three varying degrees of difficulty to choose from. You might enjoy any of these depending on your prior Sudoku experience. The amount of time allotted for entering numbers into the table's cells varies depending on the mode. You will have 30 minutes to complete the task if you select the easy mode, but only 10 minutes if you select the harder setting. There is also a moderate difficulty setting with a 20-minute time limit for finishing the game. You will gain extra points at the conclusion of the task if you finish it more quickly. As a result, your name will move up the player rankings. If you don't finish the required number of minutes, you lose. Make sure that no row, column, or mini-square contains repeated numbers from 1 to 9.