Short Life

About the game «Short Life»
Due to the possibility of witnessing episodes of violence against a person, we do not recommend starting this activity for those with fragile mental health. By the name, you can infer that anything in the game may occur that ends your character's life and makes you the primary offender, putting your hero's life at risk. Of course, you can remain still and not put yourself at risk. But what does the game mean in this situation? There are several levels in the game, and on each of them, you can have a lot of exciting moments. By the way, each of these moments could also be your last in the virtual world. You may say that you can begin an adventure right away.
Let's discuss some basic conduct guidelines that will apply to every game level. So, first and foremost, stay away from the spikes, regardless of where they protrude; second, when a mine is detected, you must get as close to it as you can and leap; and third, attempt to move as rapidly as you can near moving machinery in order to avoid getting harmed or crushed. Anyway, keep an eye on everything to prolong your life, or simply sit back and observe what is happening.