Chess Grandmaster

Chess Grandmaster

About the game «Chess Grandmaster»

Everyone can play chess, but only a select few are successful. This is a really challenging game where you must plan out each action several moves in advance. If you don't do this, the opponent will quickly destroy your important pieces on the board, surprising the king. Analyze the placement of your opponent's pieces carefully and resist the need to act quickly to avoid crucial situations.

The game has multiple game styles, including standard combat against the computer and checkmate in 2, 3, and 4 moves. You can select the difficulty level (easy, medium, or hard) and the color of the chess pieces in the first mode, which is a standard chess game. Sometimes it could appear as though the computer only employs one tactic when responding to your movements. If you consistently behave in the same way, your adversary will continue to use the same strategies against you. Be very cautious when playing in multi-move-mate mode. In order for there to be solely your triumph after driving the opposing side's king into such a position, you must do so.