Toilet Rush

Toilet Rush

About the game «Toilet Rush»

We have the impression that the creators of the humorous joke game Toilet Rush do not lack humor. While this may seem like an issue to some, we think it is entertaining. Did you notice who is shown in the game's main image? The producers of the game used one of the most well-known and diverse virtual personalities to make the role of the main character even more entertaining.

What transpired to our friend, then? He just needs to use the restroom desperately, so it's acceptable. What then is the issue? There is a trail leading to the restroom, so simply follow it, and all issues will be resolved. It turns out that not everything is as straightforward as it seems; first, the path may be very long; second, many different hazards and obstacles may appear on it; these are very challenging to overcome in this situation; and third, the bathroom may be quite large; it may contain additional characters; what will happen if they also need to urinate? There is just one thing to do: sprint ahead to take the lead!