Mad Combat Marines

About the game «Mad Combat Marines»
An action game in the first or third person could not possibly be more thrilling. The boys were the ones that were asked the question the most. Most likely the only shooter with multiplayer, and to get the blood pumping, you have to disable command mode. The Mad Combat Marines are about to go on a brand-new action game to find out who is stronger and more capable, particularly under the pressure of a combat operation in an urban setting. It has been said that carrying out combat operations in cities is more challenging due to civilian interference. However, this time, individuals opted to stay inside their homes, so everyone you encounter will only daydream about destroying you.
Utilize weaponry that can be switched using the numerical keys to try to survive. Additionally, if you want to move around the city, you can get a car. While driving, you can fire down enemies or quickly run from stray bullets or even grenades. You can utilize the radar to look for the enemy; a red dot will indicate their movement, while a black dot indicates a murder has taken place.