Oil Wrestling

About the game «Oil Wrestling»
How many different styles of wrestling do you have experience with? We're talking about Oil Wrestling, which requires smearing the opponent with oil or another substance to make the struggle more difficult, and victory, which may be attained in the same way as other wrestling styles. We're confident you've never heard of either of them. However, let's talk about oil: Imagine a strong man covered in oil who weighs 150 kilos, then picture being seized and what transpires next. Before the fight, you can choose a wrestler or, more specifically, the color of his skin, but what makes a white wrestler, a yellow wrestler, or a wrestler with dark skin any different?
After choosing a mode, name your wrestler and get ready to confront a tough foe. If you want to play with a friend, you must also input his name. After that, all that's left to do is learn some simple techniques and, if your partner is covered in oil, of course, throw. First, to pin an opponent between the shoulder blades or on the back wins the match.