Falling Blocks

About the game «Falling Blocks»
It is a masterpiece because it will always be applicable, and because of this, no matter how much it has evolved, the once-famous game will always be well-liked and one of the most well-known riddles in the world. You've already guessed what we're referring to: it's Tetris, or rather a variation of Tetris that, in contrast to its parent, has been colored and given a variety of exciting options. You're probably familiar with one of our games, in which you create figurines made of cubes and then destroy them by lowering them to the very bottom.
You must fold the figures at the bottom to prevent empty spaces at the bottom, which we cannot allow, and rotate each figure so that it lands next to the second similar figure in order to make the figures vanish from the field by forming an unbreakable wall of cubes. When you combine parts from your cubes, an impenetrable chain will eventually form, burst, and leave room for the remaining pieces. The game will go south for you if you don't connect all of the pieces into a sturdy wall because they will start to climb to the top.