Stupid Zombies 2

About the game «Stupid Zombies 2»
The last zombie combat was only a short while ago, yet the defeat was not complete. The living dead are still accumulating in some places, and these areas need to be cleaned up. You decide who will carry it out in Stupid Zombies 2. There is a man or a lady to choose from. Because you will be in control of the lady's activities, do not assume that she will be a weaker warrior than the others. What difference does it make who is chosen if your game turns out to be weak? Every level's objective is the same and remains the same: eliminate every zombie, no matter where they are. They snarl and make an attempt to frighten the hero, but ignore them and carry on with your plans.
Since there is a limited amount of ammo available, you must plan your shots carefully and make them as accurate as you can. Find a means to hit the target with a ricochet if it cannot be hit directly. Shooting against the ceiling will cause the bullet to rebound, killing the zombies. Use existing, mobile, or deflectable items on the field if the ball doesn't ricochet.