Stickman Team Force

About the game «Stickman Team Force»
How many times have we aided Stickman in his conflict with terrorists, zombies, the mafia, and other bad guys? And every time, our protagonist stood up to the enemy in one, i.e., himself. However, he was unable to learn military skills on his alone. It is therefore likely that he had previously fought alongside a group of fighters. Today, our wand man will meet with his team of warriors and once more assume command of the detachment, as he did in the past. Stickman Team Force is the name of the assignment this time, and you must join them as soon as you can to put a stop to the armed gang that has suddenly descended upon the city.
If the adversaries do not realize that every member of the Stickman squad is armed and extremely dangerous, then it is their fault. Each fighter also has a unique weapon, but fear not—by switching between them using the C key, you may try out each fighter's weapon in a fight. Additionally, after every combat with mafia warriors, you can apply unique skills that enhance your weapons or your capacity to withstand an enemy hit even longer.