Futuristic Racing 3D

About the game «Futuristic Racing 3D»
Peculiar tracks, unusual cars, breathtaking landscapes and several modes, all this awaits racing fans in a new three-dimensional adventure - Futuristic Racing 3D, and by the way, fifteen thousand gold in five days of play! As we are so good, it remains to personally go into the game and see how well the guys who created this miracle have done! The first thousand gold coins are already yours - take them to use for the wheel of fortune or for upgrading and tuning your car. By the way, you noticed that your car is rather unusual and it moves with the help of wheels usual for us, its jet engine does not need any wheelbase. Okay, let's leave this moment and continue, oh yeah, all the cars in the garage move above the surface, not on the surface. Now you will be asked to choose one of four modes - driving in one lane, driving with a lane of oncoming traffic, race against the clock and, of course, free and non-coercive driving.