Hide N Seek!

About the game «Hide N Seek!»
In Hide N Seek! the player is placed in a maze that includes several hide-and-seek places. The user's goal is to hide. But this must be done silently, so that the seeker does not find it. The game has two modes, which gives the participant the opportunity to try himself as a seeker and one, in which he should hide. The one who seeks needs not only to find other players, but also to catch up with them, until they have chosen a better place. Those who are hiding need to use their time wisely and think carefully about where to hide. Even if the seeker notices a hiding player, he can try to escape. The main thing is not to get stuck. To make it more interesting to play, you can give signals to the seeker. The number of participants increases with the transition to a new level. Have much fun, dear friends!