Impostor Assassin

About the game «Impostor Assassin»
The risk to the crew of the spaceship is almost universal. Most people, but not you, because you pose this threat. You have to play the part of an imposter who infiltrated the ranks of astronauts while posing as a friendly crew member in order to cause confusion in the game.
The imposter will be moved between different areas aboard the spaceship during different game rounds, each one being defended by a varying number of astronauts depending on the level. The impostor's mission will get even more challenging as astronauts, who are motionless in the first few levels, start to roam around the secured area, increasing the possibility that they will be apprehended. The leader moves by using the mouse, which enables him to sneak up on enemies from behind while also blending in unseen. The imposter will automatically strike the astronaut with his sword as soon as he gets close enough. The impostor will be caught and lose the current round if he enters the field while lighted by the guard's lantern. You will be given coins, which can be used to purchase different skins, depending on how the level turns out.