Nonogram Picture Cross

About the game «Nonogram Picture Cross»
Puzzles are created so that everyone can practice the logic and quickness of thought that are required to solve a given challenge. To paint the playing field in precise places this time, you must once again paint the white cells gray. Try to finish tasks while changing the cubes' color to match the numerical numbers. Select the test's difficulty level (low, medium, or high) before you begin. Numerous white cells make up the field, and numbers are printed on the side and on top of each cell to indicate how many cubes need to be painted in which sequence.
For instance, if you need to paint over one cube vertically, choose the place where you can do it most effectively. Make careful to paint over the remaining portions of the field in accordance with the supplied values at the same time. If everything is done successfully, all numerical marks will be grayed out. It is not feasible to move on to the next phase if at least one need is not satisfied, such as when a number is not applied or when a specific cell on the playing field is left with its default color.