Paintwars Shoot

About the game «Paintwars Shoot»
Paintball is becoming more popular every day, and this is not surprising, because two teams can take part in the game at once. For the game, the organizers prepare special territories, where they set up special barriers and shelters, where each of the players can hide and wait for the enemy. The enemy, in turn, will also not sit and wait for you to attack him, although the tactics of the game can be completely different, it all depends on the agreement between the teams. Of course, every boy and girl wants to try their hand at this game, but what to do if there is no such opportunity. There is only one option left - to launch this application and test your capabilities here. As in a real game, here you are armed with special weapons that shoot unusual projectiles. The projectile itself is a small ball of paint inside, and each team has its own paint colors. By the way, this is important, because after the battle it is necessary to count the points, and it will be easier to do this with the help of the spots of paint left.