Winx Stella and Puppy

About the game «Winx Stella and Puppy»
Stella is the princess from the Winx fairy school who is the happiest. She constantly monitors her appearance and hunts for new photos to use. Stella had never taken the time to select a fresh, current look before today. She asks for your help in this situation. Fairy Stella takes a morning bike ride because she feels self-conscious about how she looks. The youngster has a beloved pet that she carries around with her at all times and won't part with for a second. Meet Stella and her gorgeous pet there, and help them get ready for their upcoming journey.
In the center of the screen, a fairy named Stella will appear, riding a bicycle with her companion. The girl and her cherished pet both require wonderful clothing and chic accessories. Along with Stella and her puppies, there will be symbol sets that will aid in the characters' transformation. Click on these icons to make various clothes and accessory options appear on Stella and her pet. Show us your ability to create a stylish outfit!