Penalty Kick Wiz

About the game «Penalty Kick Wiz»
You don't have to travel to a football field to learn how to shoot penalties. Now, you can score goals against the opposition's team from wherever. For fans of football, there are games that take them to a virtual field where they can kick the ball.
Prior to the start of the penalty shootout, you must select the nation that the player on the pitch will represent. To achieve this, all you have to do is click on the appropriate flag, at which point details about the player who will be your opponent will appear on the screen. The players will alternately try to steer the ball toward the goal in the other direction. As you do so, pay attention to the yellow target, which will move from one side of the gate to the other. Click on this target once you've determined that it is in an advantageous position for a penalty. When you click, the target will pause and the player will strike the ball. The exact spot the target fell will be where it lands. All goals, whether they were scored or not, by both players will be displayed in the upper left corner of the screen.