Shark Attack

About the game «Shark Attack»
There is a slim chance that you will be capable of surviving a shark encounter if one is there. Since you are the hunter in this game, you do not need to feel scared. Feel like a rabid, insatiable monster attempting to kill someone to get a nice meal. You're a target for ships that often set up nets and launch missiles, so don't get too caught up in pursuing this or that prey. Hold on as long as you can, take regular meals, pay attention to your health, and obtain as much fresh air as you can.
Keep a watch on the most important signs, including hunger, air supply, and life. Watch out for prey including fish, divers, turtles, and more as you swim around the sea while avoiding dangerous jellyfish. To get air into your lungs or to gather oxygen bubbles, never forget to climb to the surface. Watch out for bombs and positioned traps as these could all render the shark powerless. Swim up to hostile ships and ram them; after the operation is finished, feast on the dead. The more points you get, the longer you can survive.