Xmas Rooftop Battles

About the game «Xmas Rooftop Battles»
No, of course, it's not Santa Claus and his helpers who decided to set up New Year's battles with firearms; these people would never do that. However, the same cannot be said of two pranksters who climb the tallest building to see who is cooler while masquerading as Santa Claus and his helpers. By the way, one of these heroes can be controlled by you, and the other by a friend you've already invited to the game. Don't be fooled by the sweet title of the new shooting game, Xmas Rooftop Battles; you'll learn here which of the two of you is armed and not frightened of heights.
There are two battle modes: practice and real. In practice mode, a computer opponent fights against you. Here, you can learn about the shooting process and become accustomed to the controls. In the second option, you can play against a real opponent while using the same keyboard and computer as a friend. In terms of the shooting mechanism, there are only two keys you can use to play with: one lets you jump, and the other lets you fire.