Snail Bob 8

Snail Bob 8

About the game «Snail Bob 8»

The snails' grandfather and grandson once spent some time together fishing at the hole using fishing rods on a sizable ice floe. They all had dreams about their catch. A big fish would be caught, someone predicted, and someone imagined a mermaid who would fall victim to the hook. So, until disaster struck, family members enjoyed chatting. The villain cut the ice floe with a saw while diving underwater to separate the grandson from the grandfather. The old snail watched the youngster sailing away from him but was helpless to stop it. To get back to his grandfather, the grandson must now confront and conquer difficulties.

Press the space bar to make the snail hide in its shell, which will cause it to stop moving. The snail is now in motion. This technique is only required for braking because it won't protect the hero from calamities or foes. Evaluate the scenario at the site while the hero is still. Find three stars, and LMB click on them to complete the level with the most points possible. Avoid running into the creatures or you risk being eaten.