Speed Pinball

About the game «Speed Pinball»
Without a smartphone, today's students would be unable to contact their parents, use the built-in calculator, or access a number of useful apps and journals. However, regardless of how busy the schoolboy is, games are the main reason parents buy this new device for their youngsters. Kids rapidly pick up the game they saw from a friend or partner and spend a lot of time enjoying it without even recognizing it. You can just play on your phone during a break or communicate with friends on social media. As a result, one of the girls downloaded a game to her phone that soon gained popularity among the pupils at the school. Every child is now trying to score as many points as they can with the help of this game in order to impress their friends. Let's try it; who knows, we might break the previous school record.
The game is straightforward: by clicking on the levers and sometimes knocking the ball up, we use the mouse to try not to miss it. You must simultaneously attempt to hit a number of things that appear in various positions. All of them are extra points, and the more you have, the higher your chances of winning are.