Zombie Slayer

About the game «Zombie Slayer»
In the game Zombie Slayer you will need to perform missions of various kinds. For the most part, you will need to perform defense tasks. Objects of protection can be different. For example, it could be various strategically important buildings, parts of the territory, or even parts of the army or hostages. The game consists of 100 levels. To pass them all successfully, you will need to constantly work on improving your weapons. When conventional weapons do not help defeat the enemy, use grenades and other lethal weapons. To play this game, you need to remember which key is responsible for what. To move, use WASD to shoot - K, to use a knife - L, to throw a grenade - X, to change weapons - Q. Remember that there is an important mission ahead of you, so you must fully dedicate your efforts in order to achieve success!