Dagelijkse Sudoku

About the game «Dagelijkse Sudoku»
Playing Sudoku is a great way to enhance your creativity, observation, and recall. Daily number puzzles can help you to exercise your cognitive abilities, which will improve every element of your life. Can you finish the entire calendar by solving a brand-new Sudoku each day?
Log in to the game daily to unlock fresh puzzles. Each of them is tasked with assigning numbers between 1 and 9 to each of the table's component elements. In this case, it's crucial to abide by the game's rules, which say that neither a single horizontal or vertical line nor a specific area of the table may include repeating numbers. Therefore, each of the specified components must be composed of integers between 1 and 9. They can be put in cells using the mouse. In conclusion, click on the vacant fields and enter the numbers there. If it were that easy in real life! But if you want to learn how to play sudoku, you may start with easier tasks and work your way up to more difficult ones. Have fun and develop you logic skills at the same time!