Fidget Spinner Revolution

About the game «Fidget Spinner Revolution»
Not every parent has the money to buy their kid a spinner. For those who don't know what it is, we'll explain it. The spinner, then, is a toy that rotates in your hands with the help of a bearing, but it must first be accelerated. Let's start the game itself and get to work. Here is an illustration of one of the spinners you may play with. The most basic spinner, which is constructed of metal and plastic and has the same bearing in the center, is where you should begin. It should go without saying that you can win if you accumulate the most points; points are awarded based on how many times your spinner is spun around its axis.
Fidget Spinner Revolution is another fascinating spinner game. Get ready to spin it and perform feats that have never been accomplished before. Look to the left of the screen as soon as the spinning top begins to spin. The scale, which turns red when it reaches the top, indicates that you have earned the most points. You can always observe how well you rotate the spinner by glancing at the scale. Take a look in the bottom right corner of the screen as well.