Kizi Kart

About the game «Kizi Kart»
Karting will serve as entertainment for some people while serving as the launch pad for a professional career for others. In any case, it would be preferable to take a virtual car for a test drive and see how fast it can go. You can meet an alien named Kizi in the video game Kizi Kart. Kizi unintentionally flew on his space rocket and just landed on the earth. The extraterrestrial is exceedingly kind and compassionate, and he set out to find intrepid warriors who could save his planet from a horrible evil.
Kizi's first helper will undoubtedly be you, although he is free to take a break or even go across our world while his mechanical assistant fixes the spaceship. There was a little stadium nearby where go-kart races were held, and the newcomer was naturally interested in them. Let's go to the stadium with Kizi and race these miniature automobiles there. Go ahead and take the wheel of the kart in the stadium if you're prepared to compete against Kizi! Your goal is to cross the finish line first among a field of competitors. good fortune